
Dear All: I am happy to share with all of you a few things about my life and creativity. Quite late, say 15 years ago I could find out what was my passion and purpose of life and that was spirituality. I started reading books on spirituality: Paramhansa Yogananda, Swami Rama, Om Swami, Justin O’ Brian, Swami Vedananda, Swami Krishnananda etc, attending discourses on meditation and spirituality and practicing meditation religiously and rigorously. It resulted into the creation of a beautiful mind which helped me to have beautiful thoughts which transformed my life into a beautiful reality. All these practices helped unleashed creativity and by the Grace of Lord Krishna, I started writing Bhajans, songs, poems, nritya natikas, blogs, articles on contemporary issues. The recent outcome of the creativity is the Book: Panchamrit- which has been released on 15th June 2016 in ITM. As the title of the book suggests, this book contains poems/songs on five themes: love, romance, fantasy as one theme, I call Mohabattain; Social issues such as corruption, environmental degradation, river Ganges, neglect of old people, farmers’ plight etc on the second theme, I have named as Darpan; songs on nature, the third theme; light filmy style songs as Masti, the fourth theme and the bhajans as Krishnamrit the fifth theme

Now I am looking forward to some of you who can help me in marketing the book, getting me some connects in film industry-some musicians, singers, producers etc,whom I can give the book identify some songs/shayari which can be used for an album or a film. I may note down here that in Project Marathwada- a film on farmers problems having Om Puri ji in the lead role have used my two poems on farmers plight.
The third and the most important point you all dear readers can note down is that all the proceeds from the sale of the book or sale of the songs will go to charity.
Looking forward to your support.
Chandan Adhikari

मौन कौन


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मैंने एक दिन पूछा मौन से तुम भला कौन हो?

तुम महाव्याप्त फिर भला तुम कैसे इतना शांत हो

मौन बोला मैं धरा हूँ, मौन बोला मैं   गगन हूँ

मौन बोला जलराशि मैं मौन बोला मैं अगन हूँ /

ध्यान में अति मौन है और मौन में परमात्म है

मौन विशिष्ठ विचार है,  मौन एक आकार है

 मौन एक संकल्प है और मौन में ही सृष्टि है

मौन विधाता की एक अबोल अभिव्यक्ति है/

 प्रसून की सुन्दर छटा मौन की अभिव्यक्ति है

प्रकृति भी मनोहरता में भी मौन का प्राकट्य है

 धर्म ग्रन्थ मौन हैं पर विशिष्ठ ज्ञान के भंडार हैं

सृष्टि का स्रष्टा भी सदा मौन में ही तल्लीन है /

मौन बोला मैं हूँ रहस्य,  पृथ्वी में मैं हूँ शस्य

समेटे अंतर में हूँ प्रबल, प्रचुर और प्रखर रहस्य

मौन को तुम जान लो मौन को तुम पहचान लो

मौन में रहकर कभी,  खुद से खुद को जान लो/


चन्दन अधिकारी

मई १, २०१६




Poliitcs of Drinking water

Some people say that the third war will be fought on water crisis. The symptoms and the portends suggest that it may come true. We have already a case about wastage of water which has gone to Mumbai Hight court. The droughts in Maharashtra and other parts of the country, long queues for water in many parts of the country, dry taps, rivers, tributaries, ponds and dead natural springs are omni present in India, It’s not that it is a phenomenon which we are witnessing this year only. It has been happening for years together.
Total water available in India’s 91 reservoirs is only at 32% of their storage capacity, according to the Central Water Commission. Nine of the 29 Indian states and 248 out of its 660 districts have been declared drought-affected, according to a report in The Indian Express newspaper.
Scraping the bottom.(Ameya Marathe)

The tragedy is that on the one hand, people are not getting the drinking water, on the other hand we are wasting huge quantity of water on events like IPL and the likes combined with the 5-star hotels and elite livings where water is wasted like anything. The basic assumption that we hold is that its a free good given by the nature and does not price at all. The Delhi government is giving up to 20000 liters of water to every household free irrespective of their economic status. At the same time there are many areas in Delhi where there is no water. What is this rationale, I do not understand.

India has the world’s largest number of people without access to clean water. The biggest financial burden of this has fallen on its poorest agrarian communities.In many parts of Marathwada,dams have run dry and rivers look like cesspools. People are not taking bath and coughing out significant part of their income on water.

This is the wake up alarm for all the people, we can not make it a political issue. We will have to value our water resources and will have to exercise control over its excessive consumption and waste and keeping water at the heart of the debate.Criminal excessive extraction of groundwater, reckless depletion of forest cover, taxing water consumption in high profile hotels, resorts etc, disincentivising water-guzzling crops, rain harvesting, developing technologies to use sea water for drinking purpose of watering of play grounds for conducting matches like IPL etc. Water has many end uses, of course drinking water is the first one and scarcity of water is going to effect all these end uses including urabanisation and industrial production in a big way.

Should fee of AICTE regulated institutions be regulated

Hindustan Times 28 March, 2016 News about regulation of fees by AICTE for engineering and management autonomous institutions at the recommendation of the National Fee Committee, a 10-member panel headed by former Supreme Court Judge BN Srikrishna has stirred a storm in the tea cups of private institutions once again. In the past also, there was a move to regulate the fee against which EPSI and some autonomous B-Schools had gone to the court and got a stay. Will this time also, the fee regulation issue will meet the same fate?
Unlike the past when AICTE was admonished by management of private institutions for its arbitrary, irrational and archaic move to regulate the fee, this time AICTE has the backing of the 10-member B.N Srikrishna led Committee recommendations. Hence, the fee committee recommendations will not be an easy pushover. The main argument of the Committee is that commercialization of education is happening. What do we mean by commercialization? Is commercialization always bad? Whether profit for educational institutions are bad? What is the standard profit an educational institution should aim at and beyond that if an edu. institution is earning, it is sheer commercialization and exploitative. Whether commercialization is leading to exploitation of a large segmentation at the expense of the windfall gains of the few? What are the outcomes of this commercialization? Is there a connect between commercialization and quality? It seems to me that the Committee might have gone into these kind of questions that is why it has suggested 10% increase in the fee for autonomous institutions and 20% increase in case of accredited institutions.
I am of the view that in this market led economy, let market forces decide the price of education. At the same time, it is also very important, on the name of market forces, there is no exploitation of the faculty, staff and the students. One of the principles of economics states ” Generally markets are good way to organise economic activities” However in the same breath it adds, “sometime government can improve the economic outcomes”. The present situation is a classical case of these two principles. While charging high fee is a case of commercialization of education, what about the subsidization of higher education. Is it right that Govt. universities impart education at a pittance at the cost of huge subsidies.If fee is regulated for autonomous or so called commercial educational institutions, what about the rationalization of fee in the govt. universities, colleges and aided institutions. Should fee not be increased in these universities and colleges? Of course, A Big Yes.
I think there should be a gradation of B-schools and engineering colleges based on multiple criteria and accordingly increase in fee could be allowed. Only two caps of 10 and 20% increase in fee are inadequate.

मानव भ्रान्ति


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सारी दुनिया में यहाँ वहाँ प्रभु जी का राज है

मानव बन्दा वृथा सोचे ये उसका कमाल है

क्षिति जल पावक सब प्रभु जी का काज है

गगन समीरा भी प्रभु जी का ही अंदाज है

सारी दुनिया में यहाँ वहाँ प्रभु जी का राज है |

मानव बन्दा पंचभूतों का महज एक आकार है

पंच भूतों के बलबूते पर उसका ये संसार है

पंचभूतों को जोड़ेतोड़े नवनिर्मिति पर फिर वो फूले

उपलब्धियों के मोह में बन्दा प्रभु को है बिसरे भूले

सारी दुनिया में यहाँ वहाँ प्रभु जी का राज है |

धन की तृष्णा और मन की भटकन से वो उलझे

जीवन उसका एक पहेली बनके कभी न सुलझे

सुख सुबिधा के भोग को बन्दा ख़ुशी है समझे

आत्मसुख से बंचित बन्दा कई योनियों में है भटके

सारी दुनिया में यहाँ वहाँ प्रभु जी का राज है |

चन्दन अधिकारी

मार्च २४, २०१६

अयोध्या वासियों का विरह


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आ जाओ राम हम सोये नहीं.

आ जाओ लखन हम सोये नहीं

आ जाओ सीते हम सोये नहीं

सुध बुध से हम सब खोये हुये

निद्रा से हम सब विछोए हुए

भूख प्यास से हम पराये हुए

भटके से हम निराशा लिए

आ जाओ राम हम सोये नहीं

आ जाओ प्राण हम सोये नहीं |

जीवन हम सबका मृतप्राय सा

काया हम सबकी कृशकाय सा

राजमहल दिखता शमसान सा

अयोध्या दिखे हमें वीरान सा

आ जाओ राम हम सोये नहीं.

आ जाओ प्राण हम सोये नहीं |

आँखें हम सबकी पथरा गयी

बुद्धि हम सबकी चकरा गयी

कुछ भी न सूझे,कुछ भी ना बूझे

विरह की अग्नि में हम सब झुलसे

आ जाओ राम हम सोये नहीं.

आ जाओ प्राण हम सोये नहीं |

तुम हो सूरज हम हैं सितारे

तुम्हारी प्रभा से चमके न्यारे

काली रातें और काले हैं घन

उजड़ा जीवन उजड़ा चमन

आ जाओ राम हम सोये नहीं

आ जाओ प्राण हम सोये नहीं |

भरत कुमार ने की है अगुवाई

अयोध्या जन सब बने हैं सहाई

राम लखन सीता वापस आएंगे.

अयोध्या के दिन पुनः फिर जायेंगे

आ जाओ राम हम सोये नहीं

आ जाओ लखन हम सोये नहीं

आ जाओ सीते हम सोये नहीं

आ जाओ प्राण हम सोये नहीं |

चन्दन अधिकारी

मार्च १२, २०१६

मेरे तन में बसे हैं राम


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मेरे तन में बसे हैं राम

मेरे मन में बसे हैं राम

मेरे प्राण में बसे हैं राम

मेरा त्राण करेंगे राम

राम राम राम राम – २ |

हर पल में बसे हैं राम

हर प्राणी में बसे हैं राम

रोम रोम में बसे हैं राम

कण कण में बसे हैं राम

राम राम राम राम – २ |

र से राम , श से श्याम

राम श्याम दोनों घनश्याम

दो हैं नाम पर एक ही प्राण

परमपिता और परमधाम

राम राम राम राम – २ |

एक धनुर्धर एक चक्रधारी

भक्तों की दोनों पीड़ा हैं तारी

मानव तन में दोनों अवतारी

संकटमोचक और भवभयहारी

राम राम राम राम – २ |

एक मर्यादित पुरुषों में उत्तम

एक है बिहंगम देवकीनन्दन

रावण मर्दन कंस निकंदन

नीलाम्बुज और मुनि मन रंजन

राम राम राम राम – २ |

चन्दन अधिकारी

मार्च १२, २०१६

अभिब्यक्ति की आज़ादी


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कन्हैया की कहानी, जे एन यू की जवानी

सबसे मुखर बन के आई

कल का वो जीरो, आज का वो हीरो

प्रेस की है ये मेहरबानी

अभिब्यक्ति की आज़ादी, देश की बरबादी

बहस ये मुखर बन के आई

कन्हैया की गुहार, जज की फटकार

प्रेस में मुखर बन के आई

जे एन यू के प्रबुद्ध जन रोकें नारे बिरोधी वतन

जज ने गुहार ये लगायी

सीमा के प्रहरियों ने जान है गवाई

जज ने याद हमें है ये दिलाई

खुद को फिर से देखो नासूरी अंग को काट फेंको

जज ने सीख अपनी दुहराई

कन्हैया छूट के आया माहौल है गर्माया

जज की सीख उसने है भुलाई

करो कोर्ट का आदर अभिब्यक्ति करो सीमा में रहकर

वतन उन्नति में जुट जाओ

ये वतन है हमारा , सारी दुनिया से न्यारा

न्योछावर इस पर हो जाओ /

चन्दन अधिकारी

मार्च ५, २०१६



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JNU episode and Kanhaiya’ s arrest due to sloganeering anti-national slogans from the campus and the subsequent jumping of ruling party and opposition party in the bandwagon to earn some browny political points is a stark indicator of politicisation of our academic institutions. Politicisation at what cost? Politicisaion of what nature? and Politicisation for whom? The ultimate measure of this politicisation exercise should address the question whether it is leading to nation building, is it helping achieving the objective of the organisation/institution which is politicised? In this backdrop,if one thinks about the institutions- be it the university, be it the PSUs (with unions affiliated to political parties), be it Panchayatiraj institutions right from the Gram Sabha to Zilla Parishad, I am afraid, there is a big No. Than why on the name of democracy, we allow these institutions to be politicised, misused, abused, proliferate and create nuisance, raucous, anarchy, corruption, dadagiri etc,. There has been so much erosion in our polity that people hate politics and politicians from the core of their heart and yet participate in the political process during elections to save and strengthen democracy and in the hope that the process will improve and outcome will improve and there will be sanity in the system.
Universities are meant for strengthening of academics and research and student unions as a part of the institution are supposed to create the culture of academics and research, ensure classes happen, truant teacher if any do come and take classes, students do come and attend classes properly. Barring a few, I am afraid, it is the other way round. I hear from a large student comunity particularly from UP, Bihar,MP, Rajasthan etc, who come to do their PGDM with us that they did not attend classes at all in their B.Com, BA etc programs. Why student leaders speak to the vice chancellor and the students to ensure that classes take place. There are some universities which are exceptions to this. What is the research record of our universities? Very poor to say the least. What is the standing of our universities? Absolutely pathetic. Student leaders in majortiy of the cases act like hooligans more than civil leaders.
What about the Panchayati Raj institutions(PRIs). Right from the Gram Sabha to Zilla Parishad, elections happen, huge money is distributed, liquor and meat is served, parties are hosted, voters from distant parts of the country are transported on the Gram Sabha Sabhapati’s election day, voters are bribed. Obviously Gram Sabhapati and his cronies corner huge amount of money to be spent on development schemes. village communities are divided by their political affiliations and harmony and cooperation has gone to the winds. Thanks to the democracy, the MLAs and MPs elections are big ticket rackets. Do we want this kind of a politicisation of PRIs.
We have seen enough “Tamasha” in the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and State Assemblies day in day out. We have seen very unfortunte, uncivil, outrageous statements day in day out at all levels of our democracy by our polticial leaders. Do not ruin this great democracy, the architects of whom, were great selfless patriots who used to respect each other and were wedded to great virtue of discipline. In retrospect, we need to think, whether the elections of PRIs and University/colleges on political party lines should continue particulary when political rivalry has been at its worst and there is a great danger to the harmony and sanity of these institutions due to this political process which has in no way has achieved the desired objectives.

Chandan Adhikari

Dec. 19, 2016