मेरे कृष्ण लला


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मेरे कृष्ण लला, गोपाल लला

शरणागत का तू है करता भला

माया ने मुझे है सदा ही छला

जनम जनम से मैं भटका अबला

मेरे कृष्ण लला, गोपाल लला /

तू प्रेरक है तू है भक्तवत्सला

मैं शरण में आया तेरी कृष्ण लला

मैं गिरता पड़ता तनिक संभला

समझा क्या है बुरा और भला

मेरे कृष्ण लला, गोपाल लला /

तू पालक है , तू है प्रेम लला

मैं पूत हूँ, तू है मेरा परम पिता

पूत सपूत हो कैसे मेरा हो भला

तुझसे बेहतर कोई कैसे जाने भला

मेरे कृष्ण लला, गोपाल लला /

माया की मति कैसे हो सुमति भला

उच्छृंखल मन हो भला कैसे निर्मला

अबला से ये दीन कैसे हो सबला

मेरे परमपिता तेरी चाहूँ मैं कृपा

मेरे कृष्ण लला, गोपाल लला /

चन्दन अधिकारी

फरबरी १६, २०१६

सीता राम का प्रथम दर्शन


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Source: http://www.youtube.com

सीता के शर्मीले नैन, कुछ हैं बेचैन

कब होगी सांवरो सलोने से भेंट

सखियों की फुसफुस सांवरो है अदभुत

बेचैनी जानकी की बढ़ाये है बहुत /

अब छोड़ो अठखेली जानकी है बोली

कछु और भी बताओ ओ मेरी हमजोली

कहाँ से हैं ये आये, क्या करने हैं आये

क्यों हैं तुम सबको, ये दोनों हैं भाये /

कैसा है उनका बदन और कैसा है गात

वाटिका में आये हैं क्या करने प्रभात

मेरे दिल में कुछ क्यों होती है हलचल

तन मेरा क्यों होता है पुलकित पलपल /

सीते हैं वो दोनों भाई दशरथ के जाये

विश्वामित्र ऋषि की साथ हैं वो आये

कामदेव रूप देख उनका है लजाये

जो भी देखे उनको, नजर थम जाये /

सांवरो सलोनो बड़ा है गोरो है छोटो

ऋषि आश्रम दोनों किये काम मोटो

नामी प्रतापी कई राक्षस हैं मारो

सारे जहॉ में दोनों हैं नाम कमायो /

धीर गंभीर बड़ो, छोटो कछु चंचल

भातृ प्यार दोनों का है बड़ो अचल

वाटिका में दोनों लाने आये हैं पुष्प

लता कुंज के पीछे बनाते हैं गुच्छ /

जैसे ही कुंज से दोनों भाई निकसे

मानो प्राची से सूरज है विकसे

चंचल सखियों ने सीता को जताया

दोनों भाई निकट हैं सीता को बताया /

शर्मीली सीता ने ज्यों रघुबर को देखा

आवाक स्थिति में फिर खुद को देखा

जो मैंने देखा, अप्रतिम है देखा

मानव हो सकता है क्या राम सरीखा /

ध्यानस्थ हो गई, गिरिजा में खो गयी

सारी की सारी वो रघुबर की हो गई

निकलते न कोई बैन खुलते न नैन

सीता को देख सखियाँ हो गई बेचैन /

राम के सीता से ज्यों मिले हैं नैन

स्थिरमना राम कछु हो गए बेचैन

रूप लावण्य कभी था ऐसा न देखा

सकुचा के फिर अपने अनुज को देखा /

तात सखिन संग यह है जनक कुमारी

तासु होइ हैं यहाँ धनुषयज्ञ भारी

सखियों के संग गौरी पूजन आई

सुंदरता से अपनी फुलवारी चहकाई /

पुष्पदल लिए सीता गौरी मंदिर आई

एकाग्र चित माँ की पूजा में समाई

गिरिजा बोली सुनहु सिय आशीष हमारी

होगी सफल सीते मन कामना तुम्हारी /

चन्दन अधिकारी

फरबरी ०९, २०१६

द्रोपदी की चीख


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Source: http://www.exoticindiaart.com

द्रोपदी की चीख, गुरुजनों से मांगे वो भीख

कोई तो पुरुष बन जाओ

दुराचारी को रोको, लाचारी को फेंको

कोई तो पुरुष बन जाओ

बीभत्स वो दृश्य, घृणित और अस्पृश्य

कोई तो पुरुष बन जाओ

है कोई मेरा तात, है कोई मेरा भ्रात

कोई तो पुरुष बन जाओ

कहाँ हो मेरे भर्ता, कहाँ हो मेरे पुण्य

कोई तो पुरुष बन जाओ

कहाँ हो मेरे पांडव, कहाँ हो मेरे कुरु

कोई तो पुरुष बन जाओ

कहां गयी है दया, कहाँ है वो हया

कोई तो पुरुष बन जाओ

कहाँ है मेरा रुदन, कहाँ है मेरा क्रंदन

कोई तो पुरुष बन जाओ

ये मेरे सखा, ये मेरे भक्तवत्सल

अब तुम ही लाज बचाओ

ये मेरे कृष्णा, ये मेरे सखेति

अब तुम ही लाज बचाओ

मैं ठिठक गयी, मैं थक भी गयी

अब तुम ही प्राण बचाओ

ओ मेरे गोविन्द, ओ मेरे माधव

तुम चीर बन के आ जाओ

मेरे भाई का चीर, हर गया मेरी पीर

मेरा कृष्ण पुरुष बन के आया

हर जगह चीर ही चीर, दुराचारी की खीझ

कृष्ण चीर पुरुष बन के आया /

चन्दन अधिकारी

फरबरी ५, २०१६

तू है यहाँ मैं तुझे ढूँढूँ सारे ज़हां


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तू है यहाँ मैं तुझे ढूँढूँ सारे ज़हां

कैसी है मति मोरी

मैं तुझसे हूँ, तू मुझमें है

ये न जाने मति मोरी /

कस्तूरी मृग सा भटक रहा हूँ

छलिया है मति मोरी

खुद को ये शरीरी है समझे

मति है मेरी अति कोरी /

माया से भ्रमित, चंचल मना

मति है मेरी संसारी

ये मेरे प्रभु मति को सुमति दे

भटक रही मति मोरी/

तू है यहाँ मैं तुझे ढूँढूँ सारे ज़हां

कैसी है मति मोरी/

चन्दन अधिकारी

जनवरी २९, २०१६

बेटियां कुछ खास होती हैं


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Source: http://www.google.co.in

बेटियां कुछ खास होती हैं

मांबाप के सदा पास होती हैं

जीवन में दुःख दर्द जब आते

बेटियां सदा ही काम आती हैं

बेटियां कुछ खास होती हैं /

बेटियां ज़हां की शान होती हैं

बेटियां मांबाप की आन होती हैं

बेटियों से है ये जग बनता

प्यार से सजता सवंरता है

बेटियां कुछ खास होती हैं /

बेटियां जब मां बनती हैं

संतति को संस्कार देती हैं

अपनी सेवा समर्पण से

सबका ध्यान रखती हैं

बेटियां कुछ खास होती हैं /

बेटी है प्यार की देवी

बेटी समर्पण की बलिबेदी

मनोभाओं की चपल पाठक

तितिक्षा की सफल साधक

बेटियां कुछ खास होती हैं /

सुन लो ये दुनियां वालो

बेटियां बचाओ बेटियां पढ़ाओ

बेटियों को प्यार से पालो

शिक्षादिक्षा से उनको संवारो

बेटियां कुछ खास होती हैं /

चन्दन अधिकारी

फरबरी ०३, २०१६



चीं चीं चीं चीं चिड़िया करती


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Source: http://www.theguardian.com



चीं चीं चीं चीं चिड़िया करती

चुग चुग चुग चुग दाना चुगती

खुद से खुद की बातें करती

फुदक फुदक डाली पै चढ़ती

चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं /

डाली से दाने पै आती

दाने से डाली पै जाती

चीं चीं चीं चीं करती जाती

चीं चीं कर साथी को बुलाती

चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं /

साथी आता चीं चीं करता

साथी से साथी है लड़ता

फुदक फुदक कर दोनों लड़ते

गिरते पड़ते फिर समहलते

चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं चीं /

लड़ते लड़ते जब थक जाते

दोनों के साथी आ जाते

दोनों की वे सुलह कराते

फूर्र से फिर सब उड़ जाते /

चन्दन अधिकारी

फरबरी ०३, २०१६


नववर्ष गीत


नववर्ष की दुल्हन चौखट पै खड़ी

प्रीतम के दर पै दस्तक दे रही है

वो आई है सजधज के और संवर के

प्रीतम से मिलन को वो तरस रही है /

खुशियों की साड़ी आशा के लिबास

पहने नवदुल्हन क्या छज रही है

मैं तुझको अर्पण तू है मेरा दर्पण

मुझे नववर्ष सुन्दर दिख रहा है /

आओ मुझे अपनी बाँहों में ले लो

तेरी बाँहों में शुकुन मैं देखती हूँ

नववर्ष हमारा होगा प्यारा प्यारा

ये सपना सलोना हम देखते हैं /

चन्दन अधिकारी

दिसंबर ३१, २०१५

धरती कहे पुकार के


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धरती कहे पुकार के,

बाहें गले में डाल के,

अरे मानव अब जग जा

अरे मानव अब जग जा।

दुखिया माँ की सुन ले पुकार तू

समय निकल के बतियाले जरा तू

समय की धरा में बह चला है तू

सोचने की शक्ति खो चुका है तू /

धरती कहे पुकार के,

बाहें गले में डाल के,

अरे मानव अब जग जा

अरे मानव अब जग जा /

तनिक के ढहर के खुद से पूछ तू

माँ की तड़फ को पास से बूझ तू

खुदगर्ज़ी ने तेरी माँ को लूट डाला

माँ का पड़ा है डकैतों से पाला /

धरती कहे पुकार के,

बाहें गले में डाल के,

अरे मानव अब जग जा

अरे मानव अब जग जा /

थोड़ा सा सब्र कर तनिक विचार कर

माँ की सेवा कर, खुदगर्ज़ी त्यागकर

ऐशो-आराम की जरा सा आराम दे

दीन-दुखियों के दुखों को विराम दे /

धरती कहे पुकार के,

बाहें गले में डाल के,

अरे मानव अब जग जा

अरे मानव अब जग जा /

दीन-दुखियों की दुआयें तू पायेगा

परमपिता प्रभु का स्नेह तू पायेगा

धरती मां तेरी बलि बलि जाएगी

स्नेह के आंशुओं से तुझको भिगायेगी /

धरती कहे पुकार के,

बाहें गले में डाल के,

अरे मानव अब जग जा

अरे मानव अब जग जा /

चन्दन अधिकारी

दिसंबर १३, २०१५


Is our country so cheap


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I am deeply hurt to read the statement wrt to his wife quitting the country of Aamir Khan whom I admire for many things he does so much so that I have seen only three films: Lagan, three idiots and P.K. during the last 10-15 years. This country has given so much to Aamir and his family and his wife talks about quitting the country for increasing trend of intolerance. Admittedly, there have been some cases of intolerance, but whether nation is such a cheap thing that any time we can own it and any time we can throw it. What a premium to the loyalty to the nation! People sacrifice their lives selflessly for their country. There are ninety nine percent population of this country which is less privileged that Aamir Khan and his family. Did they ever say we want to quit our country? Farmers are committing suicides in desperations for not having two ends meals. Did they ever say we want to quit India? One may say, they do not have any another country to go. That is true, but they have other States in India to shift. The Second question is whether in other countries Indians are treated without discrimination all the time and all across? Are not there incidences of suicides, crimes, rapes, robberies, indiscriminate shootings and sectoral and communal violations in other countries including the most developed nation like US? If yes there are, then why are you throwing our country into such a bad light and tarnishing its image all across the world. You can say anything about the ideologies, about the political parties, about the increasing trend of intolerance, but to say about quitting the nation due to intolerance in this country during last 6-8 months is a Himalayan Exaggeration. I am afraid, it also questions your loyalty quotient. We are the most peace loving country, we have the richest heritage and civilization of the World. No other country can talk about spirituality as much as we. Sri Sri Paramhansa Yogananda , Swami Rama went all across the World to teach yoga and spirituality and the Spiritual gurus and leaders of those nations admit that if any country in the World which will establish peace in the World, it will be India.
“The spiritual power of India has indeed been her greatest gift to the World.” (Dr David Frawley,Director of the American institute of Vedic Studies). What a tragedy that foreign intellectuals hail us a great nation in many ways and our own intellectuals put us into bad light.I am sorry Aamir, you have snapped the chord between you and me, God bless you and Kiran.
Chandan Adhikari

An Obituary to Master Role model


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Noted economist T.S. Papola passes away. He was 74 (The Hindu)

Today in the morning as soon as reached to my office, I received a call on my mobile by my friend Govind Mehta  from Delhi that Dr. Papola breathed his last today, Monday, 23rd Nov. 2015 morning. Subsequently, the Hindu’s news was another confirmation for me to believe it. Whenever you hear a news about the demise of a near and dear one who was hale and hearty till the other day, you want to confirm the news from more than one source, this is the human psychology. I am sure by now hundreds of obituaries might have already found the pen on the paper by his friends all across the world and from tomorrow we will find all top Journals and publications of economics filled with these obituaries. I do not stand anywhere in terms of stature, position or wisdom to write obituary of Dr. Papola, nevertheless, having done my Ph.D under him and worked with him for seven good years in Giri institute and having regarded him as my role model, I could not resist myself to write this obituary in my blog.

A brief about Dr. Prof. T.S. Papola, a former Director and a Visiting Professor, at the institute for studies in industrial development, New Delhi till his last breath, was a development economist with over four decades of experience in teaching, research and advisory assignments. He specialised in the areas of labour and employment, development planning, industrial economics, regional development and enterprise development. He taught at the Universities of Lucknow and Bombay, Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad), and University of Cambridge, U.K. He was Director, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow for ten years (1977–1987) and an Advisor with Planning Commission, Government of India for eight years (1987–1995). He also worked for a year as Professor, Delhi Government Chair in Human Development at Institute for Human Development, New Delhi where he continued to be a Visiting Professor for long. He worked as Head, Mountain Enterprises and Infrastructure Division at International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu for six and half years (1996–2002) where he was responsible for developing and carrying out a programme of studies and documentation, consultation and advisory services in enterprise development in the mountain areas of Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Till his demise,Dr. Papola was chairman, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow; founder member of the Institute for Human Development (IHD), New Delhi and Chairman of the Fourth State Finance Commission of Uttarakhand.

What can I write about his seminal works and several offices he occupied in his life about which the comity of economists, researchers are proud of. I can only visualise whatever time I spent with him as a Ph.D Student or a colleague or friend. He was so unassuming, so witty, so jovial and so disarming that you would not find a moment of boredom in his company. He was a researcher of par excellence. When I joined Giri Institute in 1980, it used to function form a rented premises in Nirala Nagar Lucknow and Dr. Papola had joined it as its founder Director after leaving the cosy job of Professor in IIM Ahmedabad ( I am using term cosy, which was used by P.N. Haksar when he was the Chairman of Giri institute in a seminar in its Nirala Nagar Premises). After spending some time, an ICSSR sponsored seminar was organised in Giri institute which was attended by the top economists such as G. S. Bhalla, Mrs Bhalla, Deepak Nair, Y.K Alagh, Prof. Harihar Prasad and various other professors of JNU, Delhi university and ICSSR.The first flavour of his oratory and arguments I witnessed in that seminar.  In Giri institute, we used to play badminton and table tennis and he was a very good player of both the games and I learnt my first lessons of badminton and table tennis from him. He was so witty  and used to crack jokes which used to keep us laughing. It was more so when we used to visit his residence in Nirala nagar and over a cup of tea, he used to entertain us and his school going kids with jokes and stories while siting on the floor  ‘bindas’. I used to ask myself, how come such a learned person could be so simple, witty and disarming.

After few years, we shifted to GIDS own building in Aliganj Extension Lucknow and continued to enjoy his company. In fact, we were so overawed by his scholarship and hardly used to engage him in some serous academic discourse. However, a teacher in him used to overpower his childish streak he on his own used to dish out some serious stuff on economics and research issues which helped us conceive our research topics and finally many of us could complete our Ph.Ds under his guidance.

Later on in 1986 he made up his mind to leave GIDS and move to Planning commission New Delhi as he was feeling stagnated in GIDS.When he left for New Delhi, I left for IIM Lucknow on a project which was being led by Prof. M.S. Krishnaswamy who was well known to Dr. Papola. In fact, almost all the Professors of IIM Lucknow were selected by a Panel of which Dr. Papola used to be member as he had very good relations with the then founder Director of IIM Lucknow Prof. Ishwar Dayal. When he was with Planning commission as an Advisor, I was with IIML and did write the draft of the Ph.D thesis and one day I came to know that he was coming to Lucknow on his way to Nainital for a viva of a Ph.D Thesis. I caught hold him and asked for his comments and while traveling to Nainital by car and coming back to Lucknow, he went through the entire draft and wrote his comments on all the chapters including the fame work of the last chapter which was not written. I did all the necessary changes suggested by him, wrote the final chapter and went to New Delhi, stayed with him and he went through the thesis once again and suggested few more changes and here I finalised my thesis.

Finally, there was the day when I was to defend my thesis in the company of Dr. Papola and the external experts. Since he was so renowned and the experts found good quality of thesis and commented very highly about my thesis even before I started defending it. It soared my confidence and it went through very well. Subsequently, I met him in his planning commission office New Delhi. Later on also when he came back from his ICMOD Kathmandu assignment, I met him in his home in Gaziabad as well as New Delhi many times.

Once I requested him to be on the Board of ITM Group of institutes which he readily accepted in 2007 and once visited our institute in Navi Mumbai and addressed our faculty members on contemporary research issues. The last time, I met him was during April 14-15, 2015 in Deharadun where he had come to attend a meeting of the fourth State Finance commission,of which he was the Chairman.

I talked to Dr. Papola about a month back and found him absolutely fine in his spirits and style. Not an iota of feebleness was observed in this conversations. I did not know at all that he was having cancer which might have been detected not far ago I suppose.What can I write at this moment except the profound memories that I have about him and his company.His demeanours, his elegance, grace, style, child like simplicity, wit and above all a happy gait  which were so disarming that one could not resist oneself from praising him. It is a great shock for and loss to his thousands of  students, colleagues, comity of economists, researchers, admirers and above all his family members to believe that they are not going to see an elegant and charming person like Dr. Papola any more.

Any way, we cannot bring him back but I am sure to a person like him who never did any harm to anyone in his life, he who was so  gentle, so genuine, honest and benevolent, God will grant him a special seat in his heaven.

Chandan Adhikari